Semangat Insan — Masters of Tradition (promo)
Semangat Insan — Masters of Tradition (promo)
from Bernice Chauly on Vimeo.
This 6-part documentary series was shot between 1998-2000 and features 6 masters who work in the Malaysian folk forms of Main Pateri, Makyong, Manora, Mak Yong, Chinese Opera and Bangsawan.
The series was conceptualised, written. photographed and narrated by Bernice Chauly and directed by Bernard Chauly and Ho Yuhang. This award-winning series was produced by Planet E!, a subsidiary of Planet Films Malaysia.
Where can buy auntie?
I am really keen on watching the entire series – where can i find them? BTW sorry i couldn’t make it last night for your book launch – was working all night on Maxis pitch so was zombified by Tuesday – terus pengsan – tak jadi pergi